Get In Touch

+916 346 4178

Sacramento, CA

Frequently Asked Question!

You may order every day for same day delivery between the hours 9:00 am and 7:00 pm, the last delivery will be at 8:30 pm.

Yes, if you are a VIP member you may place a scheduled order at anytime, just keep in mind that orders can only be delivered during our hours of operation.

We have a $45 minimum per order and a daily maximum of 8 ounces in the State of CA.

Only the person whom placed the order and is verified by the legal id can receive your order.

Yes, you may tip your driver if you feel that your service received was worth tipping as they greatly appreciate it.

We understand that sometimes things happen unexpectedly and you may have to cancel, if so, we just ask that you cancel at least half hour ahead of the estimated time of arrival so that we will have time to cancel any payment and/or save the driver time of driving in your direction.

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